Develop policy, manage programs, and support the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations, and the Director of Strategy and Plans on matters relating to politico-military matters and international affairs, security cooperation, foreign disclosure and technology transfer in order to develop positive political-military relationships and build partner capacity with foreign partners.
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps Plans, Policies and Operations Strategy and Plans Division (PL) 3000 Marine Corps Pentagon (Rm 4B337) Washington DC 20350-3000
Branch Head COM: 703-692-4254
Deputy Branch Head COM: 703-693-1365
CentCom Desk Officer COM: 703-692-4345
Asia/PaCom Desk Officer COM: 703-692-4346
Security Cooperation Policy AO COM: 703-692-4341
International Affairs Program Manager COM: 703-692-4365
SouthCom/NorthCom Desk Officer COM: 703-692-4344
Eastern Europe/AfricaCom/Israel Desk Officer COM: 703-692-4368
Foreign Disclosure/Technology Trans COM: 703-692-4342 or 693-1364
Program Analyst for Security Assistance Fiscal COM: 703-692-4338 or 692-4340
Budget Analyst COM: 703-692-4343
EUCOM/Western Europe Desk Officer COM: 703-692-4367
South Asia Desk Officer COM: 703-614-0322
Program Analyst COM: 703-692-4339
Security Cooperation Analyst COM: 703-692-4375 or 693-9766
AFPAK Hands Program Manager COM: 703-614-3287
Major Chin, a Vietnam FAO, serves as the US Embassy's coordinator for Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's visit to Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. Panetta was...
Capt Fretwell participated in Exercise Keris Strike in Melaka, Malaysia. It was a Combined Malaysia and U.S. Peace Support Operations Exercise.
Marine FAO LtCol Madden boards a French C-160 w/French and Senegalese troops
Maj Jackson , a South Asia FAO and governance and development advisor, speaks with a general store owner and his workers. For the first time since...
Maj Voyne, China FAO, attends Cameroon War College function in Beijing in place of SDO/DATT, BGen Stillwell, USAF. Senior African officials were...
Marine FAO, Major Carpenter, presents a commemorative plaque to Admiral Soeparno, Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy, during the graduation...
BRAZIL - Maj Bakion, an ET LATAM FAO, in the field with the Brazilian Marines and British Royal Marines
FY12 study track FAO/RAO group at the end of the Joint FAO Basic Course in Monterey, 11-15 June, 2012. This marks the beginning of their training as...
Maj Coleman with a cohort of International Officers from her Japanese Command & Staff College class, standing at the Japanese Southern Defense Force...
Maj McCormack, a Lat Am FAO conducting a utilization tour in Colombia, visits a riverine post and presents USMC shirts and hats to the winners of a...